MODERATOR:Dr. Roy LittlefieldTire Industry Association
Dr. Jim CuttinoCamber Ridge, LLC
-> presentation details
John EvankovichSam's Club
David MartinAmerican Tire Distributors
Kozaburo NakasekoSumitomo Rubber Industries
MODERATOR:Dr. Jim CuttinoCamber Ridge, LLC
Gene PetersonConsumer Reports
Anne Forristall LukeRubber Manufacturers Association
Brent GruberJ.D. Power
Dr. James A. PopioSmithers Rapra
Ted PittsSC Chamber of Commerce
Stephan SherriffDuraFiber Technologies
Dan SwigerKultevat, Inc.
Dr. Wolfgang Pille-WolfArizona Chemical, LLC
Judy Douglas, Ph. D.ARLANXEO USA, LLC
Joseph RuscakRoetzel & Andress
Chad MoweryRoetzel & Andress
Richard SmallwoodSumitomo Rubber North America
MODERATOR:Mike WischhusenMichelin North America
Steve CharlesBridgestone Americas, Inc.
Eric ChaniotMichelin Group
Jay SpearsContinental Tire, the Americas
Jeff EndicottCooper Tire and Rubber Company
Chris NapierExxonMobil
Kedar MurthyLehigh Technologies, Inc.
Jennifer SmithMichelin North America
Maureen KlinePirelli Tire North America
Joseph BachmanUS Environmental Protection Agency
Anthony ErbUS Environmental Protection Agengy
Neil PortnoyGfK North America